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Table Top Festivus Pole & Base Kit (2 Foot 8 Inches)

Ships from Oakville, Ontario
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Celebrate Festivus, the Holiday for the Rest of Us, with your very own Festivus Pole, made famous by Frank Costanza on Seinfeld!

The 2 Foot 8 Inch Table Top Festivus Pole Kit includes the aluminum Festivus Pole and a collapsible aluminum base designed specifically for use with our Festivus Pole. The base slips together in minutes allowing you to assemble your Festivus Pole quickly -- no other base mount is required.

Ships in a sturdy box which is perfect for storing your Festivus Pole throughout the year. Also comes complete with assembly instructions.

*Surface Finish: In keeping with the precepts of Festivus, the Festivus Pole is to be "unadorned and lusterless". As such our Festivus Poles are provided unfinished -- as extruded -- and you might see die lines, imprinted numbers/letters and occasional scratches in the surface. Unfinished aluminum will develop a layer of oxidization that may come off as black on your hands while handling. If you wish to avoid this issue, you may coat your Festivus Pole with any commercially available car wax product but you could be crossing the line by being too concerned with outward appearances.

Contrary to popular belief, you can't buy poles made from aluminum at your local Home Depot. And you certainly can't find our custom-made, collapsible aluminum base!

Further photos, videos and details are available on our US partner's website:

The Festivus Pole

The tradition begins with a bare aluminum pole, which Frank Costanza praises for its "very high strength-to-weight ratio." During Festivus, an unadorned aluminum pole is displayed, apparently in opposition to the commercialization of highly decorated Christmas trees, and because the holiday's creator, Frank Costanza, "finds tinsel distracting." Local customs vary and you may be able to decorate your pole with non-threatening plain decorations, or ordinary green garland.

The Airing of Grievances

At the Festivus dinner -- a meal featuring non-holiday comfort food -- each participant tells friends and family all of the instances where they disappointed him or her that year.

The Feats of Strength

The head of the family tests his or her strength against one participant of the head's choosing. Festivus is not considered over until the head of the family has been pinned to the ground. A participant is allowed to decline to attempt to pin the head of the family only if they have something better to do instead.